The Climb. Miley Cyrus (fragment)
I can almost see it
that dream I’m dreaming but
there’s a voice inside my head
that dream I’m dreaming but
there’s a voice inside my head
saying you’ll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
every move i make feels
lost with no direction
my faith is shaking
but I , gotta keep trying
gotta keep my head held high
there’s always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna to make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
ain’t about how fast I get there
ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
it’s a climb
the struggles I'm facing
the chances I'm taking
sometimes might knock me
down, but no I'm not breaking
it’s a climb
the struggles I'm facing
the chances I'm taking
sometimes might knock me
down, but no I'm not breaking
I may not know it but
these are the moments
that I'm going to remember most
just got to keep going
and i ...i got to be strong
just keep pushing on..
Treballem per viure, per necessitat, si no volguéssim sacrificar el nostre temps o el nostre esforç, simplement no obtindríem res a canvi.
L’esforç és un intercanvi, tu dones el teu temps, les teves forces, les teves ganes... i a canvi reps allò que vols, allò pel que tant has lluitat. Si no donéssim res a canvi, no seria un sacrifici, no ens hauríem esforçat.
Què hi ha més reconfortant que el fet de que les coses et surtin bé? Les coses fàcils no tenen cap mèrit, les aconseguim i la felicitat és tan efímera que desapareix gairebé al moment. Però quan aconseguim complir els nostres objectius, allò que volem, i ens hem esforçat, descobrim que no té preu i que el sacrifici ha merescut la pena.
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